I bet you thought I dropped off the face of the earth. I am still alive and kicking, barely sometimes. Life has changed for us since my last blog attempt back in August. We have moved into a new house and I am loving it. We hadn't really been talking or thinking about moving because we had just relandscaped the front yard last year. But my sister gave us a opportunity that we couldn't pass up. I don't know if you know it but we bought the house that we were living in from my mom after my dad died so that is the house that I grew up in. I loved that house and at the same time I wanted a new house but with all the memories I had a hard time parting with it. But since my sister and brother in law wanted to buy it I jumped on it because it would still be in the family. So we took their offer and thought we had lots of time because they had to sell their house and with the way the market was we thought that it would be at least 6 months or more before we would have to move. In the mean time school started which meant I had to go back to work which was a good thing because it was a long summer and it was just time to get back into a routine. Well my sister sold her house in 11 days and they had a closing date for the beginning of Nov. which meant we had 29 days to get of the house and since we hadn't even been looking I went into a panic. Well not really but what were we going to do, be homeless. Ugh!!! So into house hunting we went along with looking at rentals because I didn't want to just buy a house to have a roof over our heads. Anyways for some reason this the 1st house we looked at and I fell in love. So did the rest of the family. We did look at 6 others so don't think we bought the one and only one we looked at. I could go on and on but I will stop. The photo above is our new home. The photo below is our Xmas photo taken in our back yard. Hopefully things have slowed down some and I can get back into my once a month update. I mean to blog more but for some reason I just never do.

Jamie, great pictures! Love the one of the girls.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
James!!! I LOVE your new house!Congrats!
You've been a busy girs already this year huh?
If you are going to Mega Meet.. we have to get together for sure! I would SO SO Love that!
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