Well the summer is almost over and all I can say is that we started out just enjoying the lazy days. Not really doing much of anything. Going to the pool, the mall, bike rides, walking the dog, whatever we wanted. Then 3 weeks ago I decided that all summer long my goal was to clean out the closest and attics that have been accumulating junk for years. So I dug in and one thing lead to another and I was having a garage sale and let me say I will not be doing that for a long long time. That was work and I am suppose to be relaxing but I am happy that it is done and my closest are clean.
As we (or I should say I because I really didn't get any help from my family-haha) were cleaning out crap my husband brought up that we might want to consider moving. What the heck, we just did major landscaping and we were getting the house looking pretty good. But after long talks we decided it just might be the right time for us. As I was talking to my sister one day I mentioned that we might be selling our house she said "No your not because we want to buy it". I had no idea that she would be interested. So we started talking more and more and they gave us offer last night that we accepted. Now the fun begins. They have to sell their house first and I am house hunting. School starts in 2 days, talk about timing. Why didn't we think of this early in the summer when I would have more time. Oh well if it is meant to be it will all work out.
Now on to the many photos that I have posted.
This is my Brother in law Ed. We went to the zoo last week and had a fantastic time. The weather was perfect and the zoo was empty. What more could you ask for. And then you have my sister. What a hoot they both are.

This is Maggi (in the middle) with her cousins Ellie and Emma.
My sister in law and I took Hayley out to the local nature center to get some outdoor shoots for her senior pictures. She took her best friend Amanda and as you can see they had a great time. Take a look at the rainbow behind them. It was another perfect day.
I just love this shot of Maggi as she is running through the field.
Kay don't kill me for this but I thought I better get a picture of the photographer. I kind of like it.
Check out the reflection, pretty cool. Although you should have seen her face as she was wading out in the river. I have to admit I don't think I would have done it. Kind of on the slimmy side for me.
Another photo of the zoo.
As we (or I should say I because I really didn't get any help from my family-haha) were cleaning out crap my husband brought up that we might want to consider moving. What the heck, we just did major landscaping and we were getting the house looking pretty good. But after long talks we decided it just might be the right time for us. As I was talking to my sister one day I mentioned that we might be selling our house she said "No your not because we want to buy it". I had no idea that she would be interested. So we started talking more and more and they gave us offer last night that we accepted. Now the fun begins. They have to sell their house first and I am house hunting. School starts in 2 days, talk about timing. Why didn't we think of this early in the summer when I would have more time. Oh well if it is meant to be it will all work out.
Now on to the many photos that I have posted.

Tomorrow I start back to work and the girls start school. I don't know if I am ready or not but at this point it is not a option. HAHA. Oh and it is suppose to be 90 degrees and the schools don't have air conditioning. Wish us luck.
Is it just me, or does my a$$ look the same size as that rhino attacking Molly and Ed?
Fab pics, friend. We need to plan a scrap outing NOW.
And congrats on the offer! How exciting!
Love, love, love the rainbow pic! You have some great shots!
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