Friday, October 06, 2006

Just Shoot Me!!!

This has been one ugly week for us. Last week Maggi was sick with a cold or allergies but recovered in a couple of days. Scott then got it a couple of days later (you would have thought he was dying). Then Hayley came down with the same thing. Runny nose, coughing, feeling just plain yucky. I had to take her to the Med Center Wednesday night because she was almost in tears with a ear ache. This child hardly ever complains so I knew something was up. Yeap her cold turned into a ear infection. Well you can guess what happened next. I now have it and I am feeling like CRAP. Mine started out with a ear that was plugged, which is no biggy but I called the Dr. yesterday because it was beginning to wear on me after 4 days of not being able to hear out it. I would walk down the hallways at school sideways so I could hear. That was a site. Well anyways they could get me in this morning at 8:00, cool. Last night I had a hard time falling asleep because my other ear was now plugged also and yucky stuff was coming out of both. Sorry for the graphics. So I finally got to sleep with a little help of a sleep aid to only wake up at 5:00am not able to breath out of my nose, my eyes where glued shut and I couldn't hear out of either ear. So off to the Dr. I go. I have a sinus infection, 2 ear infections and pink eye. Oh did I tell you how much I love working with kids. They love to share. Thanks for letting me vent. I am off to the couch again and watch some TV. I wonder what is on Friday nights. Probably not much since I have the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no - poor Jami - hope you are feeling better soon!