Well let me say that I don't even know what direction to go these days. I just can't seem to catch up on anything. My house looks like a pig sty. I need to get it organized. I am ready to do spring cleaning but I can't even get the everyday stuff done to start in on all that. Today I woke up and I was going to vacuum, dust, get the laundry started, clean the toliets and kitchen. Well I got the kitchen cleaned up, and started to clean my scrap area when Hayley came out of her bed room and asked me to help her. I had no idea that she had taken almost everything out of her room and was rearranging it all. She needed help getting the TV off her armoir. We got it down but not without some injuries. I had a bruised wrist and she has a black eye. Warning, don't ask the two of us to help with heavy labor, we start laughing and loose all muscle control. It is not a pretty sight. Lets say, the TV is not going back up on top unless I can get DH to do it.
I got started on altering Hayley's prom dress, I hope I get it done because Prom is next Saturday. Put that back on my list of to do's this weekend. Ugh!!!
We were going to go to my nephews house this weekend also but I cancelled because I had too many things that needed to get done. My uncle Gene died last week and the funeral was last Saturday. So that just gave me Sunday to get my normal weekend chores done. Well I didn't get a thing done other than laundry. That is why I am so far behind. My mom called today and my uncle Jack died this morning. He was in AR at the time so everyone is thinking that there will be a memorial service later. WOW that is 2 uncles within a week. Uncle Jack is my dad's brother and uncle Gene is his brother in law so I am happy that they are at peace now and that they are all having a party together. I can hear them now having the time of their life. That is what I am happy for. They are reuniting.
I don't know what next year is going to bring. Our school district is in big touble money wise and many teacher have been given there pink slips. Us Paras will find out the end of May if we are going to be hitting the unemployment line or not. I am way down on the list so I know that I will be one of the first to go. Actually I am good with that. I have had this nagging ache all year because everytime a field trip comes up for Maggi's class she wants me to go with them but I can't because I am working. So if I am not working then next year I can volunteer in her class more like I did with Hayley. And maybe I will have time to clean my house.
Last but not least, sorry for the long and boring post. Maybe if I would up date more often it wouldn't be so long. That is another thing I can do if I don't have a job next year.
Peace Out!
hey- good to see you are still blogging. Huge hugs!!!
I am sorry to hear your job is up in the air, but I love the take you have on it! One day at a time, ya know!
I'm with Nat on the HUGS!
Super Photos James!
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