I am feeling better today. You should have seen me. I almost had Hayley take a picture of just my eyes because I have never seen any so RED. They were so bloodshot and swollen that I could hardly see and light made them hurt, so I sat around in the dark for 2 days watching TV. I don't really like tv but I did a day of HGTV, with What not to wear, 10 Yrs. younger, etc. Boy was that fun. I want to go out and buy new clothes and make up now.
Today we are going to my MIL for my birthday. It is not until Tuesday but it works better for everyone to get together on weekends. I am pumped, she is the best cook around and I can't wait to have her cake. I don't know what kind it will be but she doesn't make anything bad (well unless it has coconut in it because I don't like coconut). Plus I don't have to worry about what to cook tonight. Or tomorrow because we are getting together at my mothers for another celebration. I love living close to family for family celebrations, it is just a fun time to get together and enjoy each other company.
The photo above is of the full moon that I saw out my back window the other night. I know it is nothing fantastic but I thought it was likd of pretty. I am off to rest some more, I hope my ears will pop soon. I hate to feel like I am in a tin can.
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