I don't even know why I started this blog. I should be fired because I just can't seem to update our life on a regular basis. That being said I will try to give a glimps of our summer.
Nope you didn't miss a thing. It has been very low keyed. Not much of anything has been going on. Maggi and I try to do something everyday like go for a bike ride, take Jack for a walk, go to the pool or water park and sometimes we just chill. Hayley has a job every other week babysitting her cousins which works out perfect because on her weeks off she can enjoy her summer.
We are planning a trip to the zoo and hopefully we will go and visit my niece at college for a mini vacation and school shopping.
Here are few photos of what we or I have done recently.

We went Blueberry picking and did we have a awesome time. Believe it or not Maggi and I even made a pie with the fresh berries and it was yummy. If you really knew me you would know that I must have had a outer body experience because I normally don't do pies.

This is the look that I got from Maggi when I was singing a song (I can't remember what it was now) while picking berries.

The last 2 pictures were taken while Kay, Alison and I decided to take a road trip down some back roads to find old things to practice taking pictures. We had a great time but it made Kay nervious to park on the side of the road so we could get out to take pictures. Maybe it was the no trespessing signs. HAHA. We are going to have to do it again, it was a great time.