Well I guess I will start with a recent photo of our puppy. He isn't a little puppy anymore. Boy do the grow up fast. He is only 4 months old and already 32 pounds of energy. I still love him even though he is full of the dickens.

Next here is a photo that I took today of Maggi holding this butterfly. She was so excited when on landed on her finger. We were at the butterfly house and it was full of gorgeous butterflies. She had been trying to get one to land on her which seemed forever (only about a 1/2 hour) and she was getting ready to throw in the towel when this pretty little thing landed right on her finger. I wish I had got a photo of the look on her face. Well that just means we will have to go again so I can capture that memory.

3rd is a photo of our beloved Boots. We are heart broken. He just hadn't been acting himself for a couple of days so I took him to the vet on Thursday. The poor thing had to go through some test and we got the results yesterday. He has Fatty Liver Disease. If we can't get him to eat a few days his liver is going to start to shut down. We can have a feeding tube inserted and that would be in place for about 8 weeks and that would mean we would have to feed him about 6 times a day through the tube and still the vet couldn't give the odds of survival. We are trying everything to get him to eat.
Lastly my Grandmother died last week. She just turned 90 in January, what a milestone. She had another heart attack a couple of weeks ago and then she came down with pnemonia so I am happy that she is not in pain anymore.
The weekend is almost over and my house looks like war zone so I better get moving to get the laundry started and pick up the house.
Have a great day and if I don't blog in a short while someone remind me.