Saturday, December 22, 2007
Oh Happy Day
I am a happy camper, while doing the bills I was able to payoff all of the credit cards, and Scotts truck. We paid off the house in June. It is such a wonderful feeling. I know it won't last long because we are looking at new cars already. Mine is 8 years old, I still like it and is very reliable but we need something that is such a tank and gas hog. But actually when we started looking we found out that my Expedition is better on gas than some of the newer smaller cars. Oh well I already have my heart set on a new one. What kind I am not sure yet but I am leaning heavy on the Honda CRV's. After Christmas we will get to work and hopefully be driving a new car or truck or suv or crossover.
I hope everyone has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
I bet you thought I drop off the planet
Here is the photo that I finally decided on for our Christmas cards. Not my fav but it was the only one that both girls were looking at me and that Hayley approved of. Ugh. For some reason I had a hard time getting them together to even try to take a picture. What the heck, last year they were begging me to get the camera out.

I hope everyone is enjoying this time of year and not getting too stressed. I do get alittle stressed but I try to tell myself that it will all get done and what doesn't is not a big deal. We have a few parties coming up and the girls are getting excited (OK so am I}. I am hosting my dh family Xmas eve and I love doing it. It is very relaxed and I love watching the kids open there presents. It is a magical time. Let the counting begin - 16 days. HAHA.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Photo Shoot Cont.
Actually I was very pleased with alot of them. I know I need more help but heck I am just a beginner and I am proud of some of the photos. Well when you have 2 little girls that love to ham it up in front of the lens, how could I not get at least one good. Here are just a few that I took with a couple of my girls because they seem to want to get in the pictures. Thanks for looking and any advise will be helpful.

Monday, September 03, 2007
Happy Labor Day
Speaking of tomorrow it is our first day of school. Part of me is looking forward to it and the other part is dreading it. The first week I come home totally drained. Physically and mentally. Phew!!! Just thinking about it poops me out. It is time to get back into a routine if you can call our life routine. We have had a awesome summer and it is going to be hard to get up in the morning. But it has to be done and give me a week and everything will be fine.
Here are some pics of my girls that I took a couple of weeks ago when I went out to our local Nature Center with my SIL Kay and friend Alison. I can't wait to do it again.

Monday, August 27, 2007
One of the worst days of my life
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Here is a photo of the warm up band Emerson Drive.

Yesterday I took Maggi to the Corbin Bleu/Drake Bell concert and we rocked out. It was her first concert and she was so cute. I think she sang to all of the songs and had a great time. So did I, LOL. Corbin put on a awesome show. He is a fantastic dancer.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Monday, August 06, 2007
***Happy 10th Birthday Maggi"
Saturday we celebrated with a family party. Burgers (because that is what she choose for dinner)and family. What a awesome way to spend your day. We had to do a pinata (we thought it was a donkey when we bought it only to find out the tag said it was a horse, well let me say it was a very scary looking horse)which she broke open on the very first hit. Oh well they loved picking up the goodies.
Then Sunday (her actual birthday) we took her to a baseball game. For months now she told us that all she wanted to do was go to a game. So we picked up her friend and off we went and had a great time. She was so surprized when all of a sudden she her heard name called over the PA system to wish her a "Happy Birthday" and then her name was up on the big sign. It was priceless. Off to finish picking up and get ready for my week. Back to reality.

Monday, July 30, 2007
Just call me airhead

I forgot all about the trip to the zoo last week until I read my SIL's blog. Duh!!!
I thought it would be fun to spend the day at the zoo before picking up Hayley from the airport after her big trip to France.
It was a wonderful day. The girls loved seeing all the animals and the best part of the day were feeding the giraffe and watching the cutest polor bear swim above us as we watched from a glass tube under the water. It was amazing. I can't wait to go again.


Sunday, July 29, 2007
Paris with bffl
Friday, July 13, 2007
"SWEET 16"
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Just sharing a photo from the 4th

I just wanted to share a picture of Maggi that I took on the 4th. I love that I was able to capture the circle of sparks from her sparler. I wish that she was more in focus. Well, that will give me something to work on. HAHA.
Oh and I almost forgot. Hayley's passport finally arrived. I am so relieved to have it in my hot little hands.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Happy Anniversary to ME!!!

Here are 2 photos of the 424 that I took of the fire works last night. They are not my best but I was too lazy to go thru all of them to post. So maybe more will show up in a different post. Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th.

Friday, June 29, 2007
Just a LITTLE stress
I have been working on our vacation also. It has been kind of hard to find a date that we can all make it because the girls have so much going on this summer and Scott is really busy at work. I thought we finally found 2 different weeks that we could do it, I found a house to rent (we stayed there a couple of years ago, and LOVED it). I was going to call yesterday afternoon to finalize it when my dh called. He has been thinking and with the him having so much going on at work he doesn't feel that he should take the time off. UGH!!! I was almost in tear, I need a vacation and was really looking forward to it. I still might take the girls, got to think on that.
The other thing is, is we had our yard landscaped the end of May. I absolutely love what they did. Will post pictures one of these days. The thing is is we paid alot, I mean alot of money to have them do everything. Brick porch, brick sidewalk, new driveway, bushes, trees, flowers, etc. And new grass, that is the problem. All that is growing is WEEDS. I mean prickly weeds, water grasses, ground covers. I am upset because I was expecting grass. So we have been talking and had the grass guy from the landscrape company come over. He was not a happy camper, because he has been trying to get the company to get different mixture of grass but they are trying to save money so they go with this crap. So the next day we get a call that the owner what to come over to get the rest of the money. What the heck, don't they send out bills or whatever. I said fine come on over. He came over I handed him the check, he looked at it and said that that is not what we owe. Correct, and you will not get the remainder until we get grass, not weeds. He was pissed but heck so am I. I have been taking pictures of the yard almost everyday. The neighbors can't believe it either.
OK I am done venting, I guess sometimes you just have say what is on your mind and go on. So now that I have unloaded, I need to go pack, I am going scrapping tonight. YAHOO!!!
Have a AWESOME weekend!!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I've been tagged - Dang now what do I do?
My roommate and I once: I never had a room mate so I can not answer that one. Whew!
Never in my life: I am going to have to come back to this one, I just can't think of anything.
High School: was a trip.
When I'm nervous: I clean, that is why my house is dirty. Looks like I will have to get nervous (or mad).
My hair: is very very short. I have not used a blow dryer or brush on it in years.
When I was 5: I learned how to ride a bike and rode a horse in the rocky mountains.
When I turn my head left: I see my dining room table that has my dd painting stuff all over it.
I should be: cleaning out my closest that I said I was going to do when school was out. I think I might wait until Sept. just before school starts.
By this time next year: I might have my closet cleaned out.
My favorite aunt: is my Aunt Marge, she is just one cool lady that is a retired school libraian and travels the world with her husband and they have a gorgeous house on Lake Michigan.
I have a hard time understanding: My camera and how to take awesome photos.
You know I like you if: if I laugh. I love to laugh.
My ideal breakfast is: COFFEE and cheerios or toast. If I go out to eat then it would be french toast.
If you visit my home town: you would ask why did we move back. Well it has to do with our families are both her and it is a awesome family town with wonderful schools.
If you spent the night at my house: you probable wouldn't do it again. Just kidding, we don't have doors on the bedrooms upstairs so you don't have much privicy.
My favorite blond(s): My DD's
My favorite brunette: My niece Emily
The animal that I would like to see flying with birds: Hmmmm maybe donkeys
I shouldn't have been: fallen last fall, my hip still hurts at times.
Last night: I started a new book by Janet Evanovich and read to late.
A better name for me would be: James, that is what alot of people call me anyways.
I have been told that I look like: a midget (I know that is not the term these days, I just can't think of it right now), I am only 5'2".
If I could have any car, it would be: Free, I hate car payment. And I would love a convertible if anyone wants to give me a car.
OK I guess it is my turn to tag some others.
Vicki C.
Have fun Girls!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Do you like my photo?

Thursday, June 21, 2007
WOW another post!!!

is 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. Oh well, I least I am trying.
The landscaping is done and I LOVE it, absolutely love it. I am going to have to look up some before pictures and take some after and post. The only bad thing is, is that when they reseeded the yard they used crappy and I mean crappy seed. We have more weeds than grass, so everyday for hours I am out in the yard pulling gigantic weeds. We have been talking to the landscapers and they can not see what we are talking about. So at least I took before pics of the weeds. I am ready to fight. And if you are wondering why I am pulling them. I just want a pretty green lawn and it looked so awful compared to the rest of the stuff that they did I had too. At least for my own sake. Enough of that.
I hope you all are enjoying your summer.
Sunday, June 10, 2007

Yeap, I can finally take a break. School was out last Wednesday but Hayley had her "Sweet 16" party on Friday. Now that it is all over I can finally think about summer.
I was worried about her party because the day before the party I found out that over 200 teenagers had been invited. Hayley told me that she invited about 30 kids but her friend (who she was having a combined party with) invited over 170 people. The hall only held about 150. Ugh!!! But after it was done and over and a GREAT success only about 100 showed up.
Yesterday I did alot of resting and today I have been out edging and weeding. I am going to go back out and cut down and little pine tree. I also set up the pool, it feels like a ice cube right now but give it a day or two (or eight) and it will warm right up.
The pictures above are of the party. Sorry they are not greatest pics, I was having a hard time with the lighting. Some day I will learn how to use my camera.