It has been a long time since I have undated this little blog thingy and for that I am sorry. Nothing really exciting happening other than time. I just don't seem to have enough time in a day to get everything done. This working full time seems to get in the way of all the fun stuff in life. Then after work it is get dinner, get Hayley to dance and do errands that I don't have time to do during the day.
We went to the Balloon Fest last weekend and had a GREAT time. The weather was perfect. Sure beats this weekend with it being cloudy and rainy. It is making me stay home and do the little projects that I have been putting of. Like repainting Hayleys bedroom door, laundry, vacuuming, you know the things that need to be done but yet you can also ignore for a certain period of time. Looks like that time is up.
Well, tomorrow it is off to the store to buy a new crock pot. Mine seems to have bit the schnitzel and i can't live without one now that I am gone all day long. If anyone has a recommendation please let me know.