Thursday, August 31, 2006
2 Weeks down
I think this is going to be a good year at school. We have a new principal and so far she is amazing. A real people person that tells you the truth (even if you don't want to know) rather than tell you what she thinks you want to hear (that is what the last principal did). Does that make sence? Well anyways I really like her and so she is just wonderful with the students. She has rules but has a wonderful sence of human at the same time. And how could I forget Adam. The little boy that I am with all day long. He is such a wonderful 8 year old. Working with him is a awesome job that it really doesn't feel like a job.
I seemed to have pulled a muscle in my back. I hope it feels better tomorrow, I am suppose to go to a crop. I am going to drug myself up before bed and lather on a bunch of ben gay so by morning I will be able to a little two step. Guess I better take lesson before actually saying I am going to do it.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend. This is the first year in about 5 that we are staying home. We usually go up north and walk the Mackinaw Bridge with 10,000 plus other crazy people. With 4 days off I guess I better try to clean house. You did notice the key word "try", it is a holiday weekend so it may or may not get done.
Enjoy your weekend!!!!
Monday, August 28, 2006

It has been awhile since I have updated this. For that I am so sorry. The girls are back in school and that means that I am back at work. It has been some very long days for us. It will take me a couple of weeks before I can come from home school and have any energy. As it is right now I get home, get dinner and then I am ready for bed. Ugh!!! Hayley starts dance tonight so that means that I will have to stay up to pick her up. I hope I don't fall asleep and forget all about her. At least this year she only has 3 classes and 2 of those are on the same night so that means I will only have to run 2 nights a week. Good thing I don't have a life. HAHA.
I found out that my good friend that has gone thru cancer twice has more lesions on her kidney. The poor girl only has 1/2 of a kidney left. My heart just goes out to her and her family. She has a daughter that is good friend with Hayley. They met in kindergarten have hung together ever since. I will be praying for her. The thing that really is making her upset about all this is that they can't do a thing and told her to come back in 6 months. That is going to be a hell of long 6 months for her. If you could find it in your heart please pray for her.
Well I guess I better go do the dishes. Nothing I hate more than waking up in the morning and finding last nights dishes in the sink. I never do that but I have been so tired, thank goodness it is only until I get use to working again.
Tata for now. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Why or why is the blogger thing
Well yesterday I went to a crop all day in Detroit with Kay. It was a very fun day, not very productive but I had a day with no kids. I did get 4 LO's done. None that I am very proud of. We did a little shopping also at the mall and IKEA. Today it was back to the crazy's. "MOM" this and mom that. I know they could do everything themselves yesterday, why can't they do it today.
I have spent the majority of the day organzing my ribbons and form stamps. To look at my scrap area you would think a tonado hit, but hey I am in the process of organization and in order to do that you have to make a mess right? Right!!! That is my answer and I am stickin with it.
Tomorrow and Tuesday are day of meetings to get ready to back to work and Wednesday is the big day. The girls are excited even thought Maggi says she "hates" school. We need to get back into a routine before I go nuts. Plus the paycheck will help. HAHA. Well I need to go back and try to figure out where I left off at in "project organization".
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I've been tagged
Your Home:
Coffee table or soft ottoman? Ottoman
Flower arrangement or candle-scraps? Both actually
Tv/DVD/Stereo-black or silver? Black
Garden - annuals or perennials? Again it is both
Antigues & flea market or matched sets - shabby chic (old)
Office or junk drawer? junk drawer
Pony tail or butterfly clip? Well with my hair so short I would have to say butterfly clip
Make-up or nada? Sorry at this age it must be make-up.
Cotton or synthetics? Cotton all the way
Flip flop or Leather sandels? Again it is both. Flip flops at home, leather out and about.
Silver or Gold? It use to be gold but right now it is 1/2 and 1/2.
Purse or pocket? I carry a purse but my money is always in my pocket.
With Hubby:
Fine dining or picnic? Fine dining.
Jammies or unmentionables? Jammies
Remote - him or you? Him
Theater or rent? Rent
Lowes or the mall? Lowes (I love that store)
House work or hire it out? House work (but working on dh to hire it out since I will be working
full time.
There now you know all about me. TeeHee!!!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
What do you think?

Monday, August 07, 2006
Summer Fun!!!

water in the pool rockin and rollin. I told her that if she got the water in the middle going up any higher it was going to launch her right out of the pool. Well of course she just had to give it a try. Thank goodness it didn't work. Oh to be young and not a care in the world.
Now that I brought that up, both girls have a dentist appointment today. Hayley had a cavity and Maggi has a area where a previous filling fell out so that has to be redone. Hayley has been numbed up before but not Maggi. The dentist that we go to (I have gone there for over 25 yrs. and it is the only dentist the girls have ever gone to) has retired and a new Dr. has taken over. I have met him but have never had him work on our teeth. I wish that I was the one having this done. It always hurts me to know that my girls are uncomfortable (I know pain but I wanted to be nice). I get to go next week for a filling that is coming loose. I have not had to be drilled and filled for over 20 years. Ugh. The things we do to stay healthy.
Have a wonderful day!!!
Saturday, August 05, 2006

My Baby is 9!!!
Maggi got a new bike from us today. We love to go on bike rides and she has never had a new one. It was always a hand me down from Hayley. She really didn seem to mind, that's my girl. Very happy (well most of the time). We are going to try and go to the movies this afternoon. She wants to see Barnyard, so why not do it on her big day. We are having my side of the family over tomorrow to celebrate both Maggi and Hayley's birthday. We did Scott's family together before we went to Chicago. Usually I do one big party for everyone in between there special days because the dates are only 3 weeks apart. So today is cleaning and organizing and going to the grocery store to get all the fixens. Yesterday we had to order the cake and of course one wants a yellow cake and the other wants chocolate. I wanted to scream, but it is there day so guess what. Yes we have 2 cakes, so if anyone wants a piece come on over, we will have enough for a army. Oh there will be ice cream also. Guess I better get moving, so much to do and so little time. HAHA!!!