Sunday, July 30, 2006
Back to Normal
I got to see Vicki on Friday and I just LOVE that girl. I got to hold Landon, he is so darn cute. We meet up at the Great American Scrapbook Convention. If anyone has ever thought about going DON'T. I was very disappointed in the size and what was available. But lunch was fantastic. I did miss out on meeting Vicki's DH and kids. Of course my bladder kicked in at that moment. Dang it all.
I am almost done with the pages that I am doing for my neighbor. I love doing them but it has also made me gratefull that I don't have sons. Boy pages are so hard. I now know what you girls go thru trying to do a masculine LO. Maybe it is just me.
3 more weeks and it is back to school. Half of me is ready and the other half is - WOW where did the summer go. Actually I want to start getting my paychecks again, like I need more supplies but it is nice to have the extra money for fun, or as the first few will be to pay off they charges that I just HAD to do over the summer.
Sorry this is so boring. I did a photo shot of Hayley and Elizabeth yesterday so I am going to try and post those. They are silly silly girls.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Tomorrow is Friday
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I finally got my PSE on my laptop, why didn't I do that sooner. This could be a mistake because I have the feeling that I am going to be playing more than cleaning, getting dinners, I might just loose track of time and forget to pick one of kids. You get the picture. I have to go and play with more pictures. HAHA. Oh we are puppy sitting tonight for the cuties little thing. I have a photo, I am sure that really surprizes alot you that I will post soon. He is only 6 weeks old and just taken away from his mother yesterday. Oh the poor baby, but the girls are really entertaining him (between little doggie naps) and I think that is helping.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Hello, it's Monday
Saturday, July 22, 2006
I have a headache
Plans are being made for a day trip to Grand Rapids to go to the Great American Scrapbook Convention. I am excited!!! I will be seeing Vicki (mom25) and Lana again. Yahoo!!!
I am still working on the album for my neighbors grandson. I think I have about 3 more LO's to do and I will be done. I am enjoying this because it is doing boy LO's which I never get to do with having 2 girls, so this is working out my comfort zone which is a good thing.
Well I better go feed the crew before they starve to death which I am being told is going to happen soon. Heck it is only 4:45 and so what if I forgot to get you lunch. What a good mother I am. HAHA!!!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Welcome to a ZOO
Monday, July 17, 2006
It's MONDAY!!!
I am going to sign myself up for a photography class at our local nature center. It is for women only and we are suppose to learn how to take great nature shots and what we can do with them once we have them on the computer. Lord knows I need help in both areas.
I think I am going to go to JoAnn's today. Why I don't really know, other than I was at Michael's the other day and I coulnd't find anything that I just had to have. Our LSS sucks (sorry but no other word describes it) and the best is about 1/2 hours away. I am trying to conserve on gas, so I am limiting my travel. Well I least I can try right. Off to pick up the house and get on with my day. Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday.
Friday, July 14, 2006
We are home!!!
Well for the last 4 days we have been on vacation and it we had a AWESOME time. The girls we in a dream world and were on their best behavior, what more could I ask for. It was Fabulous. Even my husband was wonderful. Now it is back to reality and laundry. Oh what fun. Here is a couple of photos for you at the muse that are trying to guess where we were.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I know I am a little late but here is another photo of the 4th. I really like this one!!! I have not been really good at updated this, and for that I am sorry. I have been really busy trying to finish the room redo for Hayley and now we are working on moving Maggi into Hayley's old room. Oh I am having a blast. NOT. They better apprieciate this when I am done.
We are leaving for vacation tomorrow and why does it always feel like a hurrican just trying to get ready. We had the girls (Hayley and Maggi) and Jenna's (my niece) birthday party yesterday. Poor Kay, she is trying to get ready for vacation also and had the party at her house. Jenna's Birthday is tomorrow and Hayleys is Thursday. Maggi's isn't until the beginning of Aug. but she wanted to celebrate now so she could get money for vacation. Hey - can't fault her for that. HAHA.
I have been hired to do a album by my neighbor, it is hard doing a all boy LO when I am use to doing girls, but I am getting it done. I have done about 8 pages and have about 6 more to do. That is my project when I get back because she wants to mail it off so he can have for his party which is the first week of Aug. Now I know what it is like to be on a DT and have a deadline. Nope not for me. Although I do work well under pressure. Well I guess I better go finishing packing since we are leaving in the wee hours of the morning before the sun rises. Hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
In Celebration of my 20th Wedding Anniversary
Here is a photo of fireworks. HAHA!!!
Yes it has been 20 yrs. since the walk
down the isle. I can't beleive that it
has been 20 yrs. Well enough of this
because we don't really do a all out
celebration. We or most likely I will
grill steaks tonight and maybe go out
for ice cream.
We went to the fireworks last night and
I am in the process of looking at my 250
pictures that I took. They are not the
best, but I like them and that is all that matters, right? Today I have been working
on a LO for my neighbors grandson and I am having a hard time. I have never done
a boy LO before let alone try to do about 12, I think I am going to have to put on my
thinking cap because this is hard. I have only done girl LO so this is making me think
out of my box. I just hope she likes it when I am done. Well I better go take the
steaks out of the freezer or we will be having grilled cheeses.